Counseling Services
Our licensed clinical social workers have extensive knowledge and experience in providing psychotherapy. Each client is assisted in identifying their specific goals for treatment. We work with a wide range of behavioral and emotional issues. We are trained and experienced in specific treatment modalities which include (but are not limited to) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, EMDR, Interpersonal Therapy and Gestalt. We provide individual, child and adolescent, couples and family counseling. Treatment specializations include therapy for:
Post Traumatic Stress Depression and Anxiety
Bipolar Disorder Panic Disorder
Anger Management Grief and Bereavement
Eating Disorders Social Anxiety
Batterer's Invervention Stress Managment
GLBTQ Issues Marriage Counseling
Occupational Stress ADHD
Domestic Violence Military Issues
Child/Adolescents Medication Management
Anger Management
Based on Dr Chrisian Conte's Yield Theory for the Treatment of Anger Issues and developed in 1998, our anger management program consists of seven components:
Conscious Education
Elimination of Shame
Using these components the therapist is able to offer consistent and effective treatment to those who have been victims of violence or offenders of domestic violence as well as those suffering from uncontrollable or irrational anger. Often these issues result in legal involvement and family turmoil. Here at PA Professional Health Services we aim to help each client rebuild and repair over the course of several therapeutic and psycho-educational sessions.
Batterer's Intervention Program
The Batterer's Intervention Program is a court ordered 26 week psycho-education program. The program focuses on interupting, avoiding and ending violence and abuse and on the batterer's capacity to change. The program works in cooperation with the victim services and domestic violence programs as well as with other key agencies such as courts, prosecutors, law enforcement, and probation officers. The program also makes appropriate referrals as needed including to mental health professionals or inpatient substance abuse services.
Psychiatric Services
Our Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner is board certified and will provide a professional psychiatric evaluation to determine the necessity of medication as a part of your treatment plan. Follow up appointments will facilitate ongoing medication management. Our psychiatric nurse practitioner is qualified to provide a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation and treatment for children, adolescents and adults.
Employee Assistance Programs
The employee assistance program is a free and confidential counseling program available to employees and their families who may be struggling with interpersonal problems and find themselves in need of some help. This is a program that may be offered by your employer. The EAP will offer assessment, provide information, offer short term counseling, provide referrals and follow-up. The cost of the EAP is paid by your employer. Accessing the EAP may occur by a self referral, a recommendation of a colleague, or a mandatory referral by your supervisor. Regardless as to how you are referred, contact with the EAP is strictly confidential. No one has access to your information without your written consent.
As originated and developed by Francine Shapiro, PhD, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) treatment utilizes bilateral stimulation to facilitate the rapid processing of the dysfunctional residue associated with traumatic life events to transform it into something useful. This dysfunctional information undergoes a change in form and meaning through incorporating insights and affects that are helpful, rather than hurtful to the client. This treatment modality is extremely helpful in alleviating the symptoms associated with PTSD, and trauma reactions.
Please call to schedule an appointment 724-439-9698
50 West Main Street Suite 704
Uniontown PA, 15401